
Live the Life of a Civil War Soldier When you Drink your Mornin Coffee

Civil War soldiers, Confederate and Union, used to make their coffee in pots. But on the march, they just usedtheir boilers. Remember: don't boil coffee. Confederatesand Union soldiers had a little bit of coffee, chewin tabaccie, and that was it. Moreover, Confederates usually had tobacco, and Union troops had the coffee. When the troops would cross paths during the war, they would tradecoffee for tobacco and vice versa. Soldiers would take their hardtack biscuits and soak it in coffee and get somefat and put it in a frying pan and fry a crust on the hardtack like chicken?real nutritious diet.
Civil War soldiers drank from large tin cups. Hot liquidfilled all the way up in a tin cup will burn yer lips. Soldiers needed at least an inch or two at the top. So theywould only fill it two-thirds full and let it cool a littleso they could tolerate it. Don't drink from old tin cupsthat you might find in an antique store. They have leadsolder. Buy a reproduction of one at a Civil War reenactment or from a Sutler who advertises in some of themilitary history magazines. Coffee boilers are large tincups with a handle on them. Some of them even have lids onthem. They hold 22-24 ozs. of liquid. They look like a cup that is a coffee pot.
For more information on coffee drinkin' and the Civil Warsoldier, email lifecwsoldier@coachscoffee.net
Drinkin' from an antique cup definitely enhances the coffeedrinkin' experience. The vibes of all the people who havegone before have left their energy and spirit in the fiberof the cup. Antique tin and enamel cups can be found inantique stores Enamel cups are not as hot as a tin cup,but it has that "nostaaaalgic" cup quality. I like drinkin'from antique cups because I like that "antiqueness" of it.
Enamel cups can be found in antique stores. They range inprice from five dollars to thirty dollars. Rare ones arethose that are a unique color like brown or gray. Mostenamel cups are white with a blue, green or red trim or just plain white. Blue is a common color also. Enamel cupsare not as old as tin cups, but they have been being madefor about fifty to sixty years. Enamel cups have been around since World War I and are still being reproducedtoday in a variety of colors. A reproduction of an enamelcup can be acquired for about five dollars.
Everyone needs to have his or her own identity when drinking coffee. Cat people have cat cups, etc. you need just the right cup for drinkin' coffee. A decent coffee cupsize should be in the 12 - 16 oz. region because a small cup does not quite get it. It needs to be bigger.
How you drink it is up to you. Be sure you have good quality Arabica beans and that the water is at just the right temperature. Coffee should never touch boilin' water.
For specifics directions on the exact temperature of thewater, the feel of the fine grind, what to look for beforeyou stir, what type of strainer to use, and how to serve,and for more information, email openpotbrewing@coachscoffee.net
2003 permission granted to reprint this article in print oron your website so long as the paragraph above is includedand the contact information is included to coach@civilwaruniforms.net
Coach and Paula McCoach have been serving coffee in the field to America's reenactors since 1997. Cups of coffeemade with their special coffee makin' technique, Open-PotBrewin' have been enjoyed by thousands Coach's Coffee isthe creator of many blends and coffee enjoyin' techniques.

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